There’s something magical about witnessing the growth and development of a family over time, especially when it comes to photographing precious moments of newborn babes. After being in the family photography business for the last couple of years, I’ve had the incredible joy of watching families like this one evolve and grow right in front of my lens.

A little over one year ago, I had the privilege of capturing this little lady’s newborn photos. Mom reached out hoping to find a photographer last minute since baby girl decided to make an early appearance. Fast forward and here we are, celebrating this young lady’s first birthday with another heartwarming session. It’s an absolute joy to see how much she has grown and developed her unique personality in just one year.

When the family arrived for their session, I couldn’t help but smile seeing how much their little one had changed since our last session. Her big, blue eyes were full of wonder and curiosity about the world around her. Her smiles completely infectious as mom and dad pulled out all the silly antics to get her to pop a grin.

What’s truly remarkable about photographing families year after year is witnessing the subtle yet significant changes. The way a one-year-old explores the world is vastly different from a newborn just discovering their tiny fingers and toes. It’s these moments that I strive to capture – the genuine laughter, the curious glances, and the unconditional love that binds this beautiful family together. It’s an honor to freeze these fleeting moments in time for families to cherish forever.

If you’ve been contemplating a family session or special newborn photos, definitely seize the opportunity and reach out now! These moments are fleeting and there’s incredible beauty in capturing your family’s story as it unfolds. Whether it’s the first steps, the toothy grins, or the quiet moments shared between parent and child, these memories are worth preserving!


and Now!